Eine von ihnen scheint kostbarer als die andere, sei es versteckt in einer Nebenkapelle des Pantheon, sei es inmitten des Forum Romanum oder sei sie so prominent wie „Salus Populi Romani" in Santa ...
Getting into the Deadlock forums is a simple process, provided you’re actually in the game and looking at the screen. If you’re not able to do that, it’s going to be a problem and it’ll ...
The study of the Roman empire is foundational for understanding the historical development of the Mediterranean region and Europe. This course will focus on: the character of the Roman empire during ...
The programme that explains the present by exploring the past.
The three-bay design with detached columns was first used for the Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum (which stands at the end of the triumph route) and repeated in several other arches now ...
2nd-century BC Roman statesman and general From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...