I recently wrote abut the catastrophe that is salmon farming in Scotland. Here, Neil McRae adds some (horrific) details.
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We don’t take any advertising, we don’t hide behind a pay wall and we don’t keep harassing you for crowd-funding. We’re entirely dependent on our readers to support us. Don’t miss a single article.
Alistair Carmichael, the Pinocchio MP for Orkney and Shetland explains it all. He writes: “Ten years on from the independence ...
Janette Ayachi is a London-born, Edinburgh-based, Scottish-Algerian poet. Quick Fire, Slow Burning is her second collection, ...
Great interview from Scots Whay Hae! with Grant McPhee on his new book Postcards from Scotland: Scottish Independent Music ...
In truth Better Together of 2014 was more of a jump scare than a referendum campaign. My favourite piece of Unionist ...
This week marks the 10-year anniversary of the Scottish independence referendum, a moment when, briefly, Scotland was ...
Where Stands Scotland and What is our future? Scotland Ten Years On from the Indyref. Ten years ago today Scotland voted 55% ...
A country of independent people – who truly know themselves – is, and always was, the real prize, argues Christopher Silver.
Edinburgh has a profusion of community garden projects injecting energy and optimism into marginal areas in the city. This ...
Ten years after the independence referendum of September 18th 2014 we live in a society run by political technocrats. You can ...