We know Mars once had an active geological past, filled with water, volcanic activity, and dynamic geological changes. Now, ...
An astronomer is suggesting that Mars once had a large moon that exerted enough force to create a large bulge on its surface.
To uncover the hidden features, researchers employed a sophisticated technique that measures minute changes in the orbits of ...
Recent research has unveiled massive, hidden structures beneath Mars’ surface, where an ancient ocean is believed to have ...
Unlike the other planets in the solar system, Mars is distinctly triaxial, meaning it is an ellipsoid with different sizes ...
Studies on Mars have revealed hidden structures and dense areas beneath old ocean beds, influencing the volcanic activity of ...
The findings revealed that the the Martian mantle's active processes may be fueling the growth of Olympus Mons, the largest ...
Olympus Mons is located in the Tharsis Montes region near Mars' equator - and scientists estimate that it hasn't erupted ...
The image above shows a striking cloud pattern sculpted by gravity waves, which are common ripples in both Mars' and Earth's ...
The other major feature Root presented comes from Tharsis Rise, the part of Mars most contrasting with the polar lowlands.